Tips On How To Maintain Good Gut Health

The following are 6 tips on how to maintain a healthy gut. By maintaining a healthy gut you have the power to keep yourself disease and illness free for a healthier, happier life.
Healthy gut, healthy life.

Tip 1 - Rule out any infection.

First and foremost you must rule out any infection in your gut. The best diet, the right mindset, the most expensive latest supplements won't work if you have an infection. About 70% of my clients have some sort of infection; a parasite, a bacterial overgrowth, fungus or yeast and some of them don't even come in with digestive issues.

It is one of the first tests I get clients to do because you can't move forward with your health if you have an infection that is causing major dysbiosis (poor gut health). Most of the infections I see are Blasto Hominis, D.frag, H.pylori and Giardia, which are all pretty nasty. Once the infection is gone, through a soft natural protocol, we can start rebuilding gut health and symptoms should subside.

Tip 2 - Remove any inflammatory foods

Remove any inflammatory foods. Inflammation that is in the gut generally leads to inflammation elsewhere in the body such as joints and arteries. A permeable (leaky)and inflamed gut will interfere with nutrient absorption leading to deficiencies. These are the foods which irritate the immune system and gut more than others;

1. Gluten
Not only Celiacs react badly to gluten. A high % of people have non Celiacs gluten sensitivity, like a really really high amount. It's a gut irritant causing inflammation and contributes to a permeable (leaky) gut. *if you're wondering why 'Italians' can snack on pizza and pasta all day.... Well Milan is the celiac capital of the world. 
2. Dairy
3. Eggs
4. Nuts
5. Night shades
6. Soy
7. Yeast

Not everybody reacts to these but if you do have digestive issues, pain and swollen joints, try going on an elimination diet and notice how you feel coming off these foods and then back on. Again the gut won't heal if it's being constantly irritated. You can also do some food allergy testing.

Tip 3 - Include fermented foods in your diet every day

Include fermented foods in your diet every day. Eating a range of fermented foods is the best way to inoculate your system with probiotics (good bacteria). Taking a probiotic is good too but the strains are limited and you have to take a capsule every day for ever to maintain the inoculation. That's why getting into the habit of having fermented foods daily is best, so you're getting a wide range of probiotic species to maintain harmony in your gut. Some examples are;


kefir & aged cheese (if you can tolerate dairy)

There are so many good options now we can easily buy in health food stalls or start making your own.

Tip 4 - Eat Gelatin

Eat Gelatin. The best source of Gelatin is from making bone broth or stock. Letting the bones (only organic) slow cook for 12 hours where all the minerals and goodness are absorbed out of the bones to form a liquid. Once the liquid cools, it coagulates forming gelatin. It is collagen which is protein made up of amino acids. Two of those amino acids, glycine and proline, are anti-inflammatory and have been shown to reduce inflammation in the gut and help heal the gut lining. It can also improve digestion as it naturally binds to water and helps food move more easily through the digestive tract.

If you're not into cooking bones you can buy gelatin straight up. I use Great Lakes which is organic and from humanely raised cows. You make jelly and other healthy treats from this. I have a recipe on my blog

Most of my healing protocols include bone broth and Gelatin. There are numerous other benefits such as;
-skin, hair, nails
-bones & joints
-improve cellulite
-muscle recovery
-tighten skin
-weight loss

Tip 5 - Reduce Stress.

Reduce Stress. Stress has a detrimental effect on the gut. It changes gastric secretion, gut motility, mucosal permeability (increasing leaky gut) and changes in the composition of the microbiota. Stress related conditions is the number 1 reason people come to see me. Not that they know that at the time. Stress from overworking, over exercising, anxiousness, doing too much, not resting, eating inflammatory foods.... The list goes on and it all comes back to stress. Read my blog here on how to 'de-stress' or link in bio.

Tip 6 - Supplements

There are many supplements you can take to maintain and rebuild gut health. My top 3 favourites are;

1.  Saccharomyces boulardii (SB)
Is a beneficial yeast which discourages the growth of harmful micro-organisms and reduces digestive inflammatory mediators.
It is also not affected while taking antibiotics.

2.  L.Glutamine - 
Is an essential amino acid supplement that is anti-inflammatory and necessary for the growth and repair of your intestinal lining.

3.  Digestive Enzymes - They support the breakdown, absorption, and utilization of macronutrients. Taken with meals, they work with the body’s own reduced supply of enzymes to achieve maximum digestion and support intestinal repair mechanisms.

There are my 6 top tips for maintaining good gut health.  I would recommend consulting with a practitioner to guide you through a protocol that is specific for you and before buying and taking any supplements.


Mel x


Helicobacter Pylori (H.Pylori) - A Case Study 'Angelina'.


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