Choc-Cherry Nice Cream

Who loves ice cream? ME! I love everything about it but not the feeling afterwards. true there are much better ones on the market these days with coconut based ones but they still come with extra sugar and fat that are not helpful for optimal health.

Welcome to ‘Nice Cream’ The base is frozen banana’s and then you can really add other fruits, dairy free milks and optional extras in.


  • 2 frozen banana’s (pre prepare these by breaking up ripe bananas into pieces and freezing)

  • 1 cup of frozen cherries (or other fruit)

  • 1 tablespoon of raw cocoa

  • 1/2 cup coconut water

  • 1/2 cup soy/almond or coconut milk

  • Extras (optional) buckininis, cacao nibs, goji berries, desiccated coconut


  1. Blend the fruit, coconut water and milk in a blender until smooth - you may need to add more milk to blend.

  2. Add any of the extras if you wish and stir, don’t blend

  3. Serve into 2 bowls and add the extras as garnishes, enjoy immediately. OR place in a suitable container and freeze for a later date. Be sure to take out of freezer about 10 minutes prior to eating so it can soften.

Remember you can add any real fruits and healthy powders you like.



Replenishing Smoothie